Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Divergent Initiation of Transcription

Source: Core et al. (2008). Nascent RNA sequencing reveals widespread pausing and divergent initiation at human promoters. Science 322:1845-1848.

In the current issue of science (Vol. 322), two back-to-back articles are published both reporting divergent transcription close to TSS. The authors have used global run-on sequencing to determine the site, amount and orientation of active RNApols. One of their main finding is this divergence in transcription.
How is this helpful?
1. Transcription leads to chromatin modifications that may be essential for dynamic expression (see my previous post)
2. Transcription may expose the binding sites that are otherwise engaged in nucleosomes.
3. The resulting negative supercoiling may benefit transcription in the region.

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